
With your help “The Center of Nowhere” documentary made it to streaming platforms and DVD, Blu-ray release in 2020. Thank you.

“The Center of Nowhere” is the first installment of a proposed package called Songs of an Unsung America. This is our name for bringing light to neglected pockets of regional music.

You will learn that our short and long version documentaries are not
just about music, but about sense of place: how atmosphere, environment, history, and even foodways inform art.
Our spiritual compass is the late documentarian Les Blank who was known for his
portraits of traditional musicians. The New York Times wrote in 2014, “Blank liked to film communities, large or small, in which everything–the language, the music, the food, the ways people relate to one another–seems to flow from the same source, places where nature and culture move to a single mysterious rhythm.”
Our maiden voyage explored the traditional country/gospel/ rock music in Springfield, Mo. a place in the middle of nowhere where Route 66 was invented. In the future, we will look at the efforts to hold on to the rich rhythm and blues of the Beach Music legacy in the Carolinas–and maybe more.
Please join our chorus of adventure, passion, and understanding.

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